martes, 28 de junio de 2016

La felicidad es parte del éxito y depende sólo de ti… / Happiness is part of success and depends only on you...

"Muchas personas no viven la felicidad que les corresponde, no porque nunca la encontraron, sino porque no se detuvieron a disfrutar de ella."

"Plenty of people miss their share of happiness, not because they never found it, but because they didn't stop to enjoy it."

William Feather (Agosto 25, 1889 - Enero 7, 1981) fue un editor y autor norteamericano basado en Cleveland, Ohio.
Nació en  Jamestown, Nueva York en los Estados Unidos, y se mudó con su familia a Cleveland in 1903. Tras graduarse de la Western Reserve University en 1910, trabajó como reportero para la Prensa de Cleveland. En 1916 fundó su propia revista, el William Feather Magazine.
Feather es uno de los autores más citados en libros y sitios de Internet.

William Feather (August 25, 1889 - January 7, 1981) was an American publisher and author, based in Cleveland, Ohio.
Born in Jamestown, New York, Feather relocated with his family to Cleveland in 1903. After earning a degree from Western Reserve University in 1910, he worked as a reporter for the Cleveland Press. In 1916, he established the William Feather Magazine.