viernes, 21 de noviembre de 2014

Si algo salió mal… / If something went wrong...

No puedes tener el éxito sin los fracasos.

“You cannot have the success without the failures.”

H. G. Hasler

El teniente coronel Herbert George "Blondie" Hasler (27 feb 1914 - 5 mayo 1987) fue un distinguido oficial de la Marina Real durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, responsable de muchos de los conceptos que finalmente condujeron a la formación en la post-guerra de los Special Boat Service.

Herbert George "Blondie" Hasler (27 February 1914 – 5 May 1987) was a distinguished Royal Marines officer in World War II, responsible for many of the concepts which ultimately led to the post-war formation of the Special Boat Service. After the war he became a notable yachtsman, contributing especially to developments in single-handed sailing.