hay necesidad de esperar que las cosas malas acaben. Cambia ahora. Ama ahora.
Vive ahora. No esperes a que los demás te den el permiso para vivir, porque no
lo harán."
"There's no need to wait for the bad things to be over. Change now.
Love now. Live now. Don't wait for people to give you permission to live,
because they won't."
Carr (nacida 31 de agosto de 1971) es una actriz y cineasta, así como
autora del best seller del New York Times
"Crazy Sexy Diet",
es oradora motivacional y entrenadora de bienestar. Es sobreviviente de cáncer
y documentó su batalla contra el hemangioendotelioma
epitelioide en su documental Crazy Sexy Cancer.
Kris Carr (born:
August 31, 1971) is an American actress and filmmaker as well as the New York
Times best-selling author of "Crazy Sexy Diet," a
motivational speaker and wellness coach. She is a cancer survivor who
documented her battle against epithelioid hemangioendothelioma in her
documentary film Crazy
Sexy Cancer.
información de Kris Carr: Cómo
sobrevivir el cáncer, una comida a la vez
For more info on Kris Carr: Living
with Cancer: Kris Carr's Story